Painting a New Landscape

The whole atmosphere is calming from the color of the walls, the artwork on the wall, to the compassion you feel from the nurses. Every aspect makes you feel relaxed.




An avid house painter and active guy, Dean found himself getting tired and projects taking longer than usual. He took notice when he started to feel numbness in his leg and arm that wouldn’t go away and actually had fallen on a job. His doctor ran tests and then he was referred to a neurologist, who diagnosed him with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Dean’s Story – Painting a New Landscape

An avid house painter and active guy, Dean found himself getting tired and projects taking longer than usual. He took notice when he started to feel numbness in his leg and arm that wouldn’t go away and actually had fallen on a job. The pain persisted with prickling, or some say it feels like pins and needles, and he had problems walking and even standing so he went to his doctor to have it checked out.

His doctor ran tests and then he was referred to a neurologist – Dr. Donald Negroski in Sarasota, who diagnosed him with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a long-lasting chronic disease of the central nervous system. MS is an unpredictable disease that affects people differently. Some people with MS may have only mild symptoms while others may lose their ability to see clearly, write, speak, or walk.

To help with Dean’s symptoms of numbness in his left leg and arm and fatigue, he was prescribed an oral medication Aubagio (teriflunomide). A once daily pill, it helps with the number of MS relapses in individuals by up to 30%. Although after two years he was still having multiple relapses and did not feel the medication was the best option. He received a letter stating that there would be a change in his financial support at the end of 2023. Dean and his wife Marie decided it was a perfect time to ask about other treatment options.

Their neurologist discussed an infusion treatment BRIUMVI that has shown it can reduce relapses by up to 59% as well as 86% of people taking BRIUMVI had no relapses. A little apprehensive at first because Dean is deathly afraid of needles, he decided to give it a try and was referred to Sage Infusion a boutique style infusion therapy clinic in Brandon only 15 minutes from their home in Riverview, Florida.

“I knew I was going to be a nervous wreck going in for my first treatment but my mood instantly changed walking into Sage. I was CALM. The whole atmosphere is calming from the color of the walls, the artwork on the wall, to the compassion you feel from the nurses. Every aspect makes you feel relaxed.”

Dean’s wife Marie even wrote a poem “ A SPECIAL ATMOSPHERE” about the calming experience.


Seashells, coral and ocean waves…all are in view;
As you enter the establishment…to begin something new…
Getting a new treatment is overwhelming…and tension is high;
Except quite the opposite occurred…with a great reason why…Individuals on staff share knowledge… and all are so kind;
New atmosphere all around… the patient will find…
Feelings of calmness; like the ocean waves…gently flow;
Unique designs seem to bring… a tranquility to bestow…
Serene peaceful thoughts… for renewed strength that will be;
Inside those walls brings encouragement… of a bright destiny…
Ocean waves, coral … and great staff all were there;
Never leaving you doubtful…for they truly do care…


Dean has had no adverse side effects from the infusion, just a little fatigue the day of treatment. And getting top notch patient care from Sage Infusion including snacks and drinks and being able to sit in comfy recliners and not in a sterile hospital room has helped with the whole infusion process. Dean (and Marie) are happy with the BRIUMVI infusions and hoping treatment improves his symptoms.

Dean is holding off on big painting projects but still makes it to bingo once a week with Marie and enjoys reading and walking with his boxer lab.

Every 24 Weeks
  • Less relapses
  • No needing to remember to take a pill every day

*Individual patient results may vary

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